But after they left I took myself to the emergency room at UW. The lump on my back had developed an abscess and was bleeding and expelling pus, so I called my Dr. daughter and she told me to be seen. So I did. The ER doctor lanced the abscess and irrigated it then packed the wound in gauze and sent me home. No idea if it is a tumor or a cyst now. Maybe a biopsy can eventually be done on the remnant. I do have a meeting with an oncological surgeon for Nov. 1 to do just that. But sometimes things get away from you.
Then today was my ct scans. While drinking the ct contrast agent (which takes an hour), I did a deposition by telephone. A great way to pass the time. Far better than sitting around focusing on how bad the drink tastes. Afterwards, went up to Dr. Martins' office and two nurses, Karen and Heather repacked my wound. This time without lidocaine. Ouch.
But just to balance things out, the ct scan results indicate that the tumors are stable or shrinking a bit. So there's a bit of celebration before heading off to Denver this evening.
More later.