Sunday, November 21, 2010

Scene at Safeway 11/20/2010

Mom (to 5 year old son):  "Come on, you're in the way of that lady!"

I smile down at the little boy.

Son (to mom):  "That is not a lady.  That's a man!"

I can see one of my sons saying the exact same thing at the same age. 


Mellodee said...

Consider yourself lucky, I was SURE that the child would then say, "See, he has whiskers!" (or a mustache or some other equally awful observation!!)

Little darlings have no reticence about saying whatever pops into their cute (BIG MOUTHS) heads! lol!!

Six of Ten said...

Similar thing happened to me when I was pregnant with my first born. I was so sick I had to have a neighbor take me to the OB's office. I always have worn short hair and that day I did not look the least bit feminine. A toddler in the office kept staring at me and finally said in a loud voice "What's wrong with him?!" The mother was mortified. I just held on a little tighter to the container I had at the ready in case I had another episode. That was 27 years ago and it still feels like yesterday!

Dan Matyola said...

I hope that you had a great Thanksgiving and that everything is going well.
